PILING Technical Resources

Carbide Insert Lost on Piling Roller bit – A problem research
Lost Insert on a piling roller bit is one typical problem, but not that frequently appear. We have mentioned this on the previous post “7

Roller Bit Shirttail Wear-out, Top Criminal of Lost Cone?
With working with our most professional client, traveling to operation field, FIRMTECH team found out one of the most common issue which lead to bore

7 Most Common Piling Roller Bit Failure & Causes
In our long term working at our client operation site, we found there are 7 most common piling roller bit failure as follow: Bearing Stuck

How to Use Fix 1.0 Piling Roller Bit Welding Tools
A good welded piling roller bit core barrel should reach the below standard: Right angle roller bit all roller bit placed in one circle all

7 Points to Weld a Perfect Core Barrel Roller Bit
We all know how trick it can be when comes to use a Core Barrel Roller Bit. Using roller bit is not like using the
Pro Guides

Roller Bit Welding Manual
One Page, One Step. Real welding photo for easy and precise welding.

Solution for Roller Bit Lost Cone
Solve one problem, double your profit on hard rock project.